Green Harmony Concentrated Color Powder Laundry Gravel 2kg

BRAND: Green Harmony

Concentrated color washing powder - 2 kg. Harmonie Verte is a range of household cleaning products formulated and created to provide consumers with very demanding products from an ecological point of view and at very competitive prices so that ecology is within the reach of as many people as possible. Harmonie Verte brought major innovations in the field of cleaning products: it was thus the first range without ethoxylated surfactants, without lauryl ether sulphate. It has therefore enabled household cleaning products to meet the level of requirements of the various existing specifications for organic and natural cosmetic products. Several products in the range have also been developed to limit the risk of allergic reaction. The Harmonie Verte range complies with the Nature & Progrès specifications, Visagro control (Certipaq F75015).

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