Oligobs Breastfeeding 30 Tablets + 30 Capsules

BRAND: Oligobs

Oligobs Breastfeeding is specifically formulated to supplement the mother's diet by providing her with an appropriate nutritional source in order to optimize her baby's breastfeeding according to her changing needs. Oligobs breastfeeding is a balanced combination of vitamins, trace elements, probiotics and unsaturated fatty acids contributing to the full effectiveness of breastfeeding: - The vitamins A, B6, B9, B12, C, D and E present in the formulation of Oligobs breastfeeding allow a better assimilation of all the elements necessary for the growth of the vital organs of the baby (eyes, brain, muscles ... ). - Minerals (calcium, magnesium) and trace elements (iron, copper, zinc, selenium) participate in the construction of the skeleton and cell development. - Probiotics have a beneficial effect on intestinal and immunological maturation. - Essential fatty acids from the omega 3 family play a fundamental role in the development of the brain, nervous system and retina.

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