MELIORAN Pileje 90 tablets

BRAND: Pileje

Mélioran is a food supplement indicated during emotional overload and fragile mood. Rhodiola helps the body adapt to emotional overload and improve mood. Mélioran is an association of selected plant active ingredients, resulting from the scientific and technical expertise of the Pileje Laboratory: - Rhodiola extract obtained using the patented Phytostandard extraction process. The majority of the compounds are thus restored and their integrity respected. Rhodiola has multiple properties: it helps the body adapt to emotional stress, helps stimulate the nervous system and improves the state of mind, including mood. - Safracelin extract, made from saffron stigmas of the "Sargol" variety of category 1 - ISO 3632 standard, the purest quality of saffron. Food supplement based on rhodiola extract (Rhodiola rosea L.) and Safracetin extract of saffron (Crocus sativus L.)

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