Nat&form Dry Goji Berries Greenfood 500g

BRAND: Nat And Form

The Goji berry is the fruit of Lycium Barbarum, a bush belonging to the Solanaceae family (tomatoes, eggplants) whose natural biotope is Northern China (regions bordering Inner Mongolia) and the South (Tibet/Himalayas). It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C and E, 19 of the 21 amino acids (unique in the plant field), sesqui and tetraterpenes, linoleic acid. It is considered one of the richest foods in the world in essential nutrients. The Goji Berry contains, among other things, natural substances that are important for the proper functioning of our organism: powerful antioxidants that have given Goji the name of "fruit of longevity", betaine, beta-sitosterol, flavonoids, cyperone, anthocyanins. It is a recognized blood replenisher and regenerative food. Recent discoveries and analyzes therefore highlight an exceptional richness in antioxidants, vitamins, carotenoids, trace elements, polysaccharide elements. The Goji berry has been used in Chinese and Tibetan tradition for ages.

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