Soja-cao Breakfast 800g

BRAND: Solacao

SOJA-CAO, Light Chocolate Drink is a nutritious, restorative and invigorating breakfast preparation. The exceptional richness of soy it contains in proteins and minerals and vitamins makes Sojacao one of the most complete Dietary Breakfasts. In order to guarantee you the best product quality, the soy contained in Sojacao is a traditional soy. The presence of malt extract reinforces the tonic and nutritive effect while leaving this preparation very digestible. As nutritionists understand it, SOJA-CAO, Light Chocolate Drink is a real invigorating breakfast. It provides energy (carbohydrates) and will be appreciated by children of school age, the elderly and all those who want and need to meet the needs of immediate muscular effort (during a competition or under harsh conditions). special environment). Sojacao can be prepared in no time: dissolution is instantaneous. Guaranteed GMO FREE.

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