Diaseptyl 0.5% solution for skin application 75ml

Take special care with DIASEPTYL 0.5%, solution for skin application: Special warnings: This medication is for external use only. Risk of development of allergy to chlorhexidine. Although the passage of this drug in the general circulation is very low, particular caution is necessary because the risk of passage cannot be excluded in the event of repeated applications, in the event of use on a large cutaneous surface, under dressing occlusive, on damaged skin (in particular burnt skin), mucous membrane, premature or infant skin (due to the surface/weight ratio and the occlusion effect of the diapers at the level of the seat). Do not keep an opened bottle for a long time because microbial contamination is possible as soon as it is opened. Precautions for use: If in doubt, do not hesitate to seek the advice of your doctor or pharmacist.

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