Garancia Ghost Tears 10ml

BRAND: Eneomey

Eyelid and Eye Contour Care 4 in 1: active ingredients against dark circles, puffiness, wrinkles and sagging. All skin types. Dermatologically tested. The sensitive area of ​​the eyelids and around the eyes is the most fragile of the face, and shows slackening, wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles as soon as fatigue, fragility of the skin, disruption of the delicate blood supply network around the eye appear. . Small technical lesson: the walls, less tight, let the plasma fluid (responsible for puffiness) and the red blood cells escape, whose degradation products (bilirubin and iron) are deposited and are responsible for the coloring of dark circles. This is where the magic of Ghost Tears comes in, a new formula developed by Laboratoire Garancia to cast a spell at the source of trouble.

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