Lierac Coherence 50ml

BRAND: Lierac

Cohérence Lifting IR Crème by Lierac is an anti-aging lifting treatment that aims to increase the firmness of the skin. This treatment from Lierac laboratories represents a real innovation and is presented as an alternative to the scalpel and to all cosmetic surgery operations. This Cohérence cream has the primary mission of fighting against sagging skin, wrinkles but also the withering of the face. Cohérence Lifting IR Cream aims to reshape the contours for more firmness and tone. It acts in the same way as an infrared laser, in fact, it contains tournaline which is a very popular precious stone for its richness in trace elements (iron, chromium, sodium, magnesium, lithium, manganese and titanium). Under the effect of heat, this stone emits infrared light rays similar to those used in the laser technique. These rays are absorbed by the skin, without however causing a sensation of heating. Cohérence Lifting IR Crème also contains Collagen III accelerating vectors, thanks to this, the synthesis of collagen naturally present in the skin is restarted and the skin re-densified.

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