Novalac Expert Rice AR 0-36 months 800g

BRAND: Novalac

Novalac Rice AR is a foodstuff for special medical purposes. It is designed to meet the nutritional needs of babies aged 0 to 3 years, who have a cow's milk protein allergy and/or lactose intolerance, associated with regurgitation. CMPA, cow's milk protein allergy, occurs when the immune system, which defends the body, reacts abnormally to cow's milk protein. This is a situation that concerns 2 to 7% of children. It gives rise to allergy symptoms. It is therefore necessary to exclude anything that contains milk proteins from cattle. Novalac Rice AR is formulated with proteins from rice protein hydrolyzate. It is thus a plant-based alternative to conventional milks. In addition, this milk is suitable for babies suffering from regurgitation. It has been thickened with carob and pectin. This milk is lactose and gluten free. It is suitable for lactose intolerant children. It is not suitable for children with glucose-galactose malabsorption. Seek advice from a healthcare professional before introducing complementary foods, especially milk foods. Important Notice Breast milk is the ideal food for every infant. However, if you cannot or do not wish to breastfeed, an infant formula may be recommended to you by your healthcare professional. Novalac Rice AR covers all nutritional needs and can be used as the sole source of nutrition for up to 6 months. From 6 months, Novalac Riz AR covers nutritional needs as part of a diversified diet which must be gradually introduced according to the advice of your healthcare professional. Novalac Rice AR should be used on medical advice, only in infants with the symptoms indicated. Do not change infant formula without medical advice.

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