Lomexin 600mg vaginal capsule - 1 capsule

BRAND: Effik

The Lomexin 600 mg vaginal capsule is a synthetic drug from Effik laboratories. Lomexin belonging to the family of antifungals. This medicine is used in the local treatment of genital candidiasis (conditions caused by microscopic fungi) superinfected or not by Gram+ bacteria. In a vaginal capsule, there are 600.0 mg of fenticonazole nitrate, for an amount corresponding to fenticonazole base: 527.1 mg. The other ingredients are liquid paraffin, light liquid paraffin, soy lecithin. Tunic: gelatin, glycerol, titanium dioxide (E 171), sodium ethyl parahydroxybenzoate (E 214), sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E 217). The excipients with known effects are sodium ethyl parahydroxybenzoate (E 214), sodium propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E 217) and soy lecithin. Lomexin 600 mg comes in a box of 1 or 2 vaginal capsule(s). Dosage of Lomexin 600 mg vaginal capsule The dosage of Lomexin 600 mg is 1 vaginal capsule at bedtime, in a single administration. This capsule must be introduced deep into the vagina while lying down, in the evening at bedtime. Some practical advice in the event of vaginal mycoses is necessary in order to treat oneself more quickly and to avoid future infections: washing with soap at neutral or alkaline pH, wearing cotton underwear, avoiding vaginal douching and as far as possible possible, the elimination of predisposing factors. In the event of menstruation, treatment should not be interrupted. If the mycosis is associated with itching, it is recommended to combine the vaginal capsules with a local antifungal cream. The doctor will decide whether or not to treat your partner. If the symptoms recur, taking Lomexin 600 mg capsule can be renewed after three days. Contraindications of Lomexin 600mg vaginal capsule In case of hypersensitivity to any of the components (or cross-sensitivity with other members of the imidazole group), use with male condoms or latex diaphragms, allergy (hypersensitivity) to peanut or soy, due to the presence of soy lecithin, taking Lomexin 600 mg is contraindicated. You should know that this treatment with Lomexin can cause local burning sensations and increased itching, which quickly subsides when treatment is continued. However, if symptoms persist, consult your doctor. Do not use an acid soap for local hygiene (acidity favoring the proliferation of fungi). If taking medication such as spermicidal products, there may be a risk of inactivation of Lomexin 600 mg, it is important to report any medication taken to your doctor or pharmacist. In case of pregnancy and lactation, you must seek the advice of your doctor to be able to use this medication.

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