Oscillococcinum flu-like states 30 doses

This homeopathic medicine is traditionally used in the prevention and treatment of flu-like states. Composition : Filtered extract of liver and heart of anas barbariae dynamized at the 200th K. Excipients with known effects: sucrose, lactose Dosage: it varies according to the moment when one intervenes: During the winter period (prevention): 1 dose per week Influenza state at its beginning: 1 dose as soon as possible, possibly repeat 2 to 3 times at 6 hour intervals. State of flu declared: 1 dose morning and evening for 1 to 3 days. For infants: let dissolve in a little water and give with a spoon or bottle. Children under 6 years old: dissolve the granules in water before taking because of the risk of miscarriage. Take away from meals, 1/4 hour before or 1 hour after. Contraindication : Intolerance to certain sugars Oral route

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