Magnevie b6 100 mg magnesium 2 x 60 tablets

BRAND: Sanofi

This medication contains magnesium, a mineral element essential for the proper functioning of the body. Vitamin B6 promotes the absorption of magnesium. It is used in case of symptoms that may suggest a lack of magnesium: irritability, temporary fatigue, minor sleep disorders, palpitations, muscle cramps, tingling. In the absence of improvement after one month of treatment, consult your doctor. Do not give this medicine to a child under 12 without medical advice. Take special care with MAGNEVIE B6 100 mg/10 mg film-coated tablets: Special Warnings The use of this medication is not recommended in patients with galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose or galactose malabsorption syndrome (rare hereditary diseases). Consumption of high doses of pyridoxine (or vitamin B6) for a long period (several months or even years) can cause tingling and balance disorders, tremors of the hands and feet, and difficulty in coordinating movements. . These effects are generally reversible on discontinuation of treatment. Precautions for use The dosage is not suitable for children under 12 years old. In the event of moderate renal insufficiency, precautions should be taken to avoid the risk relating to an increase in magnesium in the blood. IF IN DOUBT, IT IS ESSENTIAL TO ASK YOUR DOCTOR OR PHARMACIST FOR ADVICE.

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