Pileje Feminabiane Vaginal Flora 7 vaginal tablets + 1 applicator

BRAND: Pileje

Feminabiane Flore Vaginale is a medical device that contains Lactobacillus plantarum LA901, a patented strain with properties that contribute to remedying imbalances in the vaginal flora and a significant ability to adhere to the vaginal mucosa. Thanks to the production of lactic acid, these lactobacilli stabilize the physiological pH of the vagina and help the natural defense mechanisms to fight against vaginal infections. Moreover, by colonizing the vaginal cavity, they form a protective layer that prevents other undesirable microorganisms from attaching themselves. Feminabiane Flore Vaginale can be used as an adjuvant treatment for vaginal infections, in particular in recurrent candidiasis and/or resistant to antifungal treatments, in the prevention of possible relapses and in situations where the vaginal flora could be altered.

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