Pantoprazole Sandoz Conseil 20mg 7 tablets

BRAND: Sandoz

Patients are advised to seek medical advice in the event of: Unintentional weight loss, anaemia, gastrointestinal bleeding, dysphagia, persistent vomiting or vomiting with blood, as taking pantoprazole may mask symptoms and delay the diagnosis of a severe condition. In these cases, malignancy should be ruled out. · A history of gastric ulcer or digestive surgery. · Continuous symptomatic treatment of difficult digestion or heartburn for 4 weeks or more. · , liver failure or liver disease. · Any other serious illness affecting general condition. - Onset of new symptoms or recent change in symptoms in patients over 55 years of age. Patients suffering from persistent and recurrent disorders such as difficult digestion (dyspepsia) or heartburn (heartburn) should consult their doctor regularly. In particular, patients over the age of 55 taking any over-the-counter medication daily due to indigestion or heartburn should inform their pharmacist or doctor. Patients should not take another proton pump inhibitor or H2 blocker at the same time. Patients scheduled for endoscopy or urea breath testing should consult their physician before taking this medication. Patients should be informed that the tablets are not intended to provide immediate relief. Taking pantoprazole can provide symptomatic relief after about one day of treatment. However, it may be necessary to continue the treatment for 7 days in order for the heartburn to completely disappear. Pantoprazole should not be taken as a preventive measure. Decreased stomach acid due to any cause including proton pump inhibitors can increase the amount of bacteria normally present in the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment with an antacid may lead to a small increased risk of gastrointestinal infections, including Salmonella, Campylobacter, or C. difficile . This medicinal product contains an azo coloring agent, Ponceau 4R aluminum lake (E124) and may cause allergic reactions.

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