Lehning L107 Drinkable Solution 30ml

BRAND: Lehning

Drug delivered without a prescription. Consult your pharmacist Homeopathic medicine traditionally used in the treatment of transient diarrhea in adults, nausea and vomiting without fever. Read the instructions carefully Contains alcohol Maximum of 60 drops per day Ask your pharmacist for advice, a key player in your health. If the symptoms persist, consult your doctor. Arsenicum album 6 DH: 3 ml Belladonna 3 DH: 3ml Chamomilla vulgaris 9 DH: 3 ml China Rubra 3 DH: 3ml Colocynthis 4 DH: 3 ml Ipecac 4 DH: 3ml Mercurius corrosivus 6 DH: 3 ml Nux vomica 4 DH: 3 ml for 30 ml of oral solution in drops. Excipient with known effect: ethanol. Excipients: Ethanol, purified water.

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