Alopexy 5mg/ml Solution for Cutaneous Application 3x60ml

Take special care with ALOPEXY 5%, solution for skin application: If you suffer from heart problems. In some uncommon cases, it is possible that a drop in blood pressure, an acceleration of the pulse and in very rare cases, oedemas occur. Stop treatment immediately and notify your doctor (see section: “What are the possible side effects?”). If your scalp shows irritation, persistent redness, inflammation, or painful sensation. This medication should only be applied to healthy scalp (see section: "How to use ALOPEXY 5%"). In subjects with scalp lesions, an increase in the passage of the active substance (minoxidil) into the blood is possible (see section: “Never use ALOPEXY 5%”). The risk of hypertrichosis (abnormal development of the hair system) justifies that this medication is not recommended for women. Do not swallow. Accidental ingestion may cause effects due to the cardiovascular action of minoxidil: CONSULT A DOCTOR QUICKLY. Do not inhale. In the event of accidental contact with the eye, a wound, irritated skin, a mucous membrane, the solution which contains alcohol may cause a burning sensation or irritation: rinse thoroughly with running water. In case of persistent signs, consult a doctor. Do not expose the treated scalp to the sun, protection is necessary (hat). A change in hair color and/or texture has been observed in a few patients. Do not apply this medicine at the same time as other products used in dermatology or any other medicine that irritates the skin. Stop treatment and consult your doctor in case of persistent redness or irritation of the scalp. This treatment requires regular medical monitoring, particularly at the start of treatment.

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