Senophile ointment 50g

100 g of ointment contains 1 g of cholesterol benzoate and 5 g of zinc oxide. Excipients with known effect: 100 g of ointment contain 20 g of wool grease and traces of benzyl benzoate (contained in the compound perfume). Excipients: Wool grease, compound perfume*, petroleum jelly. *Compound perfume composition: linalyl acetate, cinnamic acid, benzyl alcohol, cinnamic alcohol, ethanol, hawthorn anethole, benzyl benzoate, debergaptened essential oil of bergamot, essential oil of rosewood, essential oil of caraway, citral, essential oil lemon, lemon terpenes, coumarin, dipropylene glycol, eugenol, sweet fennel essential oil, geraniol, piperonal, beta ionone, iris resinoid, irisone, isoeugenol, linalool, mandarin essential oil, natural menthol, orange essential oil , orange terpenes, beta pinene, ricinol, gamma terpinene, alpha terpineol, thymol, vanillin, essential oil of ylang-ylang

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